How can we pray for you? Your marriage is important to us & we’d like to help make your requests known to the Lord…
If you would like prayer, please let us know.
You can leave prayer requests in the
No matter where I am during my day I have access to a mobile phone charger. There is one in the car, one in my bag for work, and one at home. Having this kind of access ensures that I
“I want you to be happy, but…”
These are the words from my husband that changed my thought process regarding the most recent “life-dilemma” that we’ve been dealing with over the past few days. Nothing major…but a dilemma nonetheless.
We need a twitter name!! We want to have a name that people will recognize but “marriageisourministry” is too long for the @_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name (this should be 15 characters of
We had the priviledge of being guests on BBC UNPLUGGED last night, talking on the topic “Sexually Satisfied, Or Thirsty: The Importance of Intimacy in Marriage” (Part 1)
We choose this subject based on a previous post by my
I read many articles highlighting the things that the author wishes he or she knew before getting married. Since there is really no scripted way of preparing for what you will experience in marriage, there can be some level
It’s pretty personal and Yes, I AM about to go there…(you have been warned…lol)
An ‘issue’ that I have never heard discussed in any marriage/sex seminar (at least not in a spiritual forum) is the issue of sex during menstruation.
We want to share a video excerpt with you…
This is Pastor/Dr. R.A. Vernon from The Word Church in Cleveland, OH. We enjoy listening to him speak on love, marriage and relationships (one of our favorite speakers as it relates
If you type “top ten reasons for divorce” in any search engine it will render several results. I can guarantee you that somewhere in most of the lists will be finances, or financially related issues. For example, one spouse is
I watched this video produced by Manhood University and decided to share it with you. I do not want to give too much of the information away so I will not share my comments now. However, let me say