We Want To Pray For You

How can we pray for you? Your marriage is important to us & we’d like to help make your requests known to the Lord…
If you would like prayer, please let us know.
You can leave prayer requests in the comments, or email them to us privately at: admin@marriageisourministry.com
You can also inbox us individually on Facebook (Oliver, Denise)
Prayer changes things…
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. – James 5:13-14
“Those persons who know the deep peace of God, the unfathomable peace that passeth all understanding, are always men and women of much prayer.”~ R. A. Torrey
Hi, Im from Brazil and Im sure God drove me here to receive your help.
I love a guy who is a promise from God in my life. We do love each other but there is always something getting in the way of our happiness and marriage. Please, let my name be in your daily prayers. Thank you, so.much!
Thanks Christy for stopping by! We will surely keep you and your situation in prayer! May God remove all obstacles and maintain happiness in your union!
I am Leo Brosius from Monrovia Liberia Wes t Africa, love
for you to join me to get marry to my wife God will send me I donnot
know her where she will come from how will she be looking but through
the eyes of faith I see myself marrying before this year come to end
because this is the perfect will of God for my life., I am Adam and I
need an EVE if this something to consider then please reply me at
leobrosius@yahoo.com/ leobrosius@gmail.com
I do not need game but life time marriage, my mother and father was
married for 40 years .
Thanks for sharing. We will definitely be praying for you