Work At Making It Right…NOW!
When you know something isn’t right in your relationship, work at making it right – sooner than later…
I was a little snarky & sarcastic with Oli yesterday morning on our way to work and it irritated him. I KNEW I was wrong…but the selfishness in me got the upper hand. I stewed in my selfishness and he stewed in his irritation. It wasn’t until hours later that I apologized.
I’m disappointed that I allowed the enemy to rob me of the joy God has given me in the form of a wonderful, loving, patient, LOOONGsuffering husband. I must’ve said this a million times before…Oli is the only one that God can use to show me myself. And BOY did He do that yesterday!
So, don’t be like me and selfishly wait to make things right – especially when you KNOW you’re wrong! It’s little unchecked things like this that the enemy uses to develop into big things.
Work at making it right…NOW!
Do all that you can to leave in peace with everyone.
~Romans 12:18
God Bless