So a little transparency here…
Lately, I’ve determined in my mind to be more intentional about not taking advantage of my husband’s kind and considerate ways. When you have someone whose feathers rarely get ruffled, and is as easy-going as
If you have young children, spending romantic time with your spouse can be pretty much non-existent most days. Those little humans can be pretty demanding! And when you DO find the time, you’re too tired to do much of
We protect our marriages. We do what we can to ensure protection and maintain the
covenant and integrity of our union – against infidelity, outside influences, flirting,
pornography, etc…against all of these types of visible or tangible things.
But how
1. Marriage IS Work
But not how you’d think. The only “work” I have to do is to not try and change my husband. Only God can do that. Instead, I have to be open to learning, growing…and then
Oliver and I talk about everything.
E-VER-Y-THING. Eventually, that is. Lol
I (Denise) am typically a procrastinator when it comes to communicating my feelings to Oli regarding an issue we may be having. I want to talk about it,
When you know something isn’t right in your relationship, work at making it right – sooner than later…
I was a little snarky & sarcastic with Oli yesterday morning on our way to work and it irritated him. I KNEW
I’ve come up with 10 tips to help get you back on the road to exciting sexual intimacy with your hubby! Gone will be the let’s-get-it-done, I-have-a-headache-so-make-it-quick, I’m-tired “task” that it may have become.
No, no, no…NOT what God intended!
Sometimes I have so much to say to Oli when he gets home from work. So much to share…so many needs that only he can fulfill (not just physical). But I’ve learned to give him time to unwind from the
It’s rude to be ignored, right? Yeah…it’s one of my pet peeves.
Well, my husband ignored me yesterday! AND it wasn’t the first time either.
As a matter of fact, he does it quite frequently!
Ok, ok, ok…I should