Let’s Talk About Sex…With Each Other!

Many married couples are uncomfortable talking about sex. Even couples with a somewhat healthy sex life become ‘shy’ at the thought of ‘talking it out’.
Just as in any other aspect of a relationship, communication is necessary in the area of sexuality. There are many issues that can be avoided, or swiftly and effectively dealt with, if we would just be open and honest. We need to be honest about likes and dislikes, honest about the past and any ‘hangups’ that arise from it, and honest about wants and needs. As a married couple, you should be able to discuss, and share about any and everything.
There are many ways that a couple can begin the process of opening up about sexuality. I will share one particular way with you…
Sometimes having a common ground topic starter helps. It takes the pressure off of jumping right in and focusing on you. You can discuss an article that you read, or an interview you viewed on tv. While discussing your views on the subject matter, you can begin to parallel the subject matter to your personal situation and how you feel about it.
Below is a link to a VERY interesting survey by The Marriage Bed
Take few moments to look through it (warning: it is pretty long), and let it be a conversation starter for you and your spouse.
Also be sure to check out The Marriage Bed and follow them on twitter…They have tons of information, tips, and ideas surrounding sexuality in marriage
Search for resources to help you get comfortable with your sexuality and talking it out with your spouse. Seek counseling from a sex therapist if needed. Take the time to find what works for you and your spouse and then…Let’s Talk About Sex!!