What Kind Of Mate Are You/Will You Be?
Before you answer the questions in this exercise please note that this IS NOT scientifically accurate. This is just a fun exercise that may (or may not) provide you with a chuckle…DO NOT TAKE IT TOO SERIOUSLY…
Having said that, the questions however are questions that should be thought about, answered, and shared with your spouse or potential mate. It is important to know what kind of mate you are/will be. The knowledge derived from these types of questions will determine how adequately you will meet the needs of your spouse, as well as give a snapshot of your needs to your spouse or potential mate.
When asked, many people list compatibility as one of the ingredients needed for a marriage to work. They do not however, realize just how important this ingredient is.
Of course we ask about the big things: religion, raising kids, if you want kids, where should you live, public school vs private school, should you be a stay at home spouse/parent etc…
But what about the ‘small’ things: name brand vs generic grocery items, do you like to argue your point every time, amount of money spent on personal item like hair, nails, suits, and shoes, etc…
You would be surprised (or maybe you wouldn’t be) at how many marriages go south because of disagreements over the ‘small’ things, or the fact that the answers to these questions are just now coming to light and one spouse doesn’t like what they are finding out…
Bottom line: Know everything there is to know…Nothing is too insignificant to be ignored.
The success of your marriage depends on what kind of mate you are/will be!
Now have some fun with the survey…
Apparently I'm an angel sent from heaven… Lol