This is great video from a couple married 72 years…yep, 72!!
We enjoyed this cute couple and decided to share it with you…Enjoy!
I was reading through an eHarmony Advice article that highlights what it believes to be the top 5 questions that strike fear in the hearts of men. They are as follows (from 5 to 1):
5. “Where Do We
I probably lost a few readers at the title…but
If you made it past the title then hear me out…
Think about everything you know about sex, your likes and dislikes, time preferences, places where it happens, lights on
Definition of Behold (taken from the KJV Dictionary):
1. To fix the eyes upon; to see with attention; to observe with care.
We have all heard the phrase: ‘By beholding, we become changed’. My parents used it when I
It’s Monday morning. As I lay here next to my sleeping beauty, I’m thinking about how thankful I am for the time off from work we have this holiday season. I’m ESPECIALLY thankful that Oliver has this time off. This
I have had many ‘if I knew then what I know now’ moments in the almost 13 years that we have been married. The majority of information that was given to us pre-marriage, was negative, and it did not make me (Oliver)
(Oliver’s Rant…)
When I see God face to face, the question that will possibly be at the top of my list of questions is…
Why did you make men and women soooooo different?!?!?!?
Albert Einstein said, “Men marry
The couple that we have chosen to start off this section is Dr. Anthony and Marva Kelly.
Anthony and Marva are like our second parents. It was Dr. Kelly that married us almost 13 years ago. We
How do we keep the ‘springs’ of our marriage from being contaminated? Take a few moments to see how to avoid having ‘bad water’.
Husbands: Have you beat your wives lately?? Pastor Petit-Frere says you should!!