Last week was a tad bit stressful for my husband & me….just a tad. There were some things that we anxiously hoped would have been worked out earlier in the week, and as of hadn’t been.
However, on my way
I was scrolling through my timeline on a particular social media site and saw a selfie posted by a woman. The caption read something like “Why can’t I find someone who knows how to love me the right way” (Let me
A friend of mine posted a quote from “The Resolution For Men” on Facebook:
“Do you realize that as the leader of your home, the greater responsibility for the success of your marriage is on you? You are driving. When
This morning my wife shared a devotion with me that she read, and I want to share it with you…
From: Daily Bible Devotion App (Android ,Apple)
“A woman should be so engaged with Christ that she looses
This year we took some time off from work as we normally do around our anniversary time but things did not go quite as planned for our anniversary week…(Thank God for an understanding wife!)
We were ( thankfully) able
Today marks 13 years of marriage!! God has blessed us to make it to this point, still in love!
I have a few words that I would like say to my wife, and I have chosen to do so in
We just want to share with you the reading material on our bedside table (actually on our tablet devices since we went the e-book route)…
The titles say it all:
Kingdom Man
written by Tony Evans, and
Kingdom Woman
Many married couples are uncomfortable talking about sex. Even couples with a somewhat healthy sex life become ‘shy’ at the thought of ‘talking it out’.
Just as in any other aspect of a relationship, communication is necessary in the area
I read this earlier today, and thought it would be an excellent thing to share with you. Invest in your marriage… Make it Rock!!
Originally shared by: Lionel Cesaire