I’ve come up with 10 tips to help get you back on the road to exciting sexual intimacy with your hubby! Gone will be the let’s-get-it-done, I-have-a-headache-so-make-it-quick, I’m-tired “task” that it may have become.
No, no, no…NOT what God intended!
Intimacy does not start and end in the bedroom. We often think that sexual intimacy will just automatically ‘kick into gear’ when the “do not disturb” sign goes up. However, it does not work that way. Although husbands typically can
So many of us have things in our past that we wished weren’t there. Although we move on in our lives, there are pieces of the past that sometimes rear their ugly heads in our relationships. We forgive but have
All of the things that we have discussed up until this point: forgiveness, communication and trust, all help to develop this next topic – INTIMACY
Intimacy is vital to your marriage! You cannot have a healthy marriage without it. Intimacy
It is so very important for husbands and wives to trust each other. Your relationship cannot grow if trust is not present.
There are many couples however that do not trust each other. This may be because of past hurt,
Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that “It is a luxury to be understood”
But how can we be understood if we don’t communicate?
We have heard so many times, from so many different sources that communication is the key to marriage.
Many of you have seen the various makeover shows that are out there. Changes (sometimes drastic) are made to bring about a new, and more desirable result. There are some things that we desire in our marriages, and in order
Sometimes I have so much to say to Oli when he gets home from work. So much to share…so many needs that only he can fulfill (not just physical). But I’ve learned to give him time to unwind from the
I recently answered a question on Quora, and felt that it needed to be shared with everyone…
Here is the question:
Is it better to remain in a marriage of 40 years with a husband who loves you but you
I believe that there are a few essential components associated with lasting relationships, but I will speak on one that I have found to be extremely vital: You Are A Team!
No matter what comes at you in your relationship,