Preparing For Sex…

Do you go through your day fantasizing about ‘later’? Do you find yourself thinking “ooowee when I get home…!”
Is your mood ever changed because of a text or picture that you received from your spouse? Women: do you get dressed in the morning or groom certain areas (legs etc) with seduction on mind? Men: do you choose your fragrance or shirt color thinking of the effect it will have on your wife when she sees you?
I read a great article by Sheila Wray Gregoire on preparing for sex throughout the day. The article is geared toward women primarily, but guys we need to make the same preparations for our wives.
Take a moment to read the article, it’s good!
Share your thoughts with us as well
God Bless
Couldn’t agree more. If the relationship is healthy and both parties know they want or need to get some “get right” later, everything better be just right or it can throw the mood off. Don’t get me wrong; us men may persevere, but we may make a request later. And we hope we don’t offend. It’s all in love, all in love.